söndag 3 januari 2010

2010 - A New Year, and please let this be THE year...

Yes folks! The new year has arrived and started. And I've decided since I'm leaving in less then two weeks! OMG, it's that close. Anyways, I've decided that I'm going to start to write in Eng from now on. Hope you're ok with that.

Yes it's true, next wednesday I'm leaving little Sweden to go to the big bad world, USA. I am really excited yet scared and the fact that I'll have to leave all of my wonderful friends behind is not something that I'm looking forward to. I know, I'll find new friends, but still it's hard leaving the one's I have. Well, I guess it's a part of life. They'll be here when I come back. Hopefully =)

So let's see what 2009 had to offer in both good and bad ways, let's start with the good stuff:

* I got my own apartment. That's something that I didn't really expect. But something I'm really happy about. It's not gonna be mine for the next 12 months but still I stand as the "owner" on the contract.
* I found a new very good and close friend in Hanna. Yes, before we only knew eachother as "theatre buddies" but after the trip to Monte Carlo we became close friends.
* I got to go to Monte Carlo again! And this year I got to meet "Ridge" and "Bridget" from "The bold and the beautiful". My friend Hanna wun and brought me along on this trip.
* I decided to take the biggest step in a very long time, to fullfill my dream of becoming an actress. Yes, and that's what I'll be doing (or trying to do) when I in 10 days leave for sunny California. And hopefully find myself along the way...
* I finished an education, I am a receptionist and a conference hostess! Something I can have as a back up plan if my acting plan fails...

Well, I think that was the good stuff that I can remember. Let's move along to the not so good stuff...

* I realised that even if I had an education there were no jobs for me. So there i was with a finsihed degree but couldn't get any use of it since we were still in the "financial crisis".
* I got more and more fixated about my looks, body and who I am. Something that's not so pleasent. I haven't talked much about it, but it's there inside of me everyday almost every hour...
* My economy totally went down the drain. I made less and less money and had to cut down on fun stuff. It's hard beeing "poor" but somehow you learn to appreciate to good solid things in life like friends and family...
* All of my friends, except Sofie, got in a relationship and the happy party days that we used to have ended. Yes, before we used to go out and party almost every weekend all of us. But now not so much...
* Well, I felt generally depressed and low because of different stuff. I guess it's because I wasn't sure in which direction my life was going, but once I decided to take the step to follow my dream I started to feel better...

So folks, what I want to say with this is really, nothing. Well yeah, I want 2010 to be a year where we learn to appreciate the little things in life. Like our friends, our family and the fact that we are healty, we have roof over our heads, food on the table, almost everyday. And hopefully we have money over when all the bills have been paid. Millions of ppl in the world doesn't have anything of this. And we bitch about that we're getting bigger, we have zits, the days are boring, we feel lonley, even if a visit might just be a phonecall away. I know, it's not that easy to just change your mind and start thinking like this. I know I have a long way to go before I get there. But we've got to start somewhere, right? And isn't it so much easier to think about the positive things in life instead of the negative? I have tried and it is starting to take effect somewhere deep inside of me. Maybe the fact that the biggest adventure of my life is gonna happen very soon has something to do with it. Well, just try my friends, please? If not for me, then do it for yourself!

Well, I'm gonna start this new year by hitting the gym soon and lay myself in the solarium. "Light thearpy", I've heard it's a good thing. =)

Until next time, try to think positive and see if it can bring you some peace. If not, well try to find something else that can...

XoXo - Frieda K*

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