onsdag 24 december 2008

Christmas Eve!!

Merry Christmas!!
Here we are yet again at another Chritmas eve! It's amazing how fast the time passes by. And the years pass in front of you and sometimes it feels like you're not moving with them...atleast that's how it feels for me now and then.
So, I suppose that most ppl are excited about tomorrow (Christmas day) and what kind of gifts their gonna get. Since most parts of the world celebrate Chritmas that day. But here in Sweden we don't. We celebrate it today, on Christmas eve and we open the presents in the evening. And if you have small chlidren the Santa comes knocking on your door and asks if there's any kind children in the house. And ofcourse you say yes! Cause otherwise you don't get any presents. and then the Santa sits down and hands out the gifts to everyone. And then he wishes everyone a Merry Chritmas and dissapears. And while the Santa is at the house, the daddy in the family just happens to be away and buying the newspaper! (You get the picture right?)

So that's how we celebrate Chritmas in my country and a few more countries here in Northern Europe. I just told you this cuz I thought it would be interesting to know.

This is why I'm even more excited about going to USA next year, to take part in their Chritmas celebrations, and maybe introduce a little Swedish touch to it =).

Personally I think I'd prefer our way. I mean, opening gifts in the morning or in the evening? I would choose the latter...but I guess it's all about tradition and what you're used to. I just think it's funny how different it can be. And ofcourse Sweden has to be odd...

I'm celebrating Chritmas with my mum at her place tonight. It's just gonna be the two of us. Usually we go to my cousins or her boyfriends parents. But things have happened this year which resulted in that we decided to spend it alone and just her and me. At first it made me kind of sad, cuz I'm the kind of person who likes to have a lot of ppl around me at Chritmas. Relatives and friends and their boyfriends etc. Kinda like the Christmas's on TV's Soap Operas =) But I guess I'm gonna have to let it go and enjoy the quite and peaceful Christmas of two ppl.

So what more is new? Not much...well there is this guy...I'm not gonna reveal his name...but there's someone. I guess these coming days during my holiday break are gonna determend my love destiny...

I guess this is it for now!
So I wanna wish you all a Merry Chritmas and a Happy New Year!! And please, don't make promises you can't keep...it'll only cause you anxiety...
Hugs and Kisses

(Sofie is gonna start writing on this blog very soon. So from now on it's gonna be our blog and not just mine...that was the whole idea from the beginning...)

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