Anyways, today is Sep 2nd, and wait isn't that my B-day!? Yes it is! So today I turn 26! Wow, the years pass by so fast you can barely keep up the pace. Now I'm closer to 30 than 20. But maybe that's a good thing. Even if I still feel quite young, we all know that age is just a number, right?
So let me tell you a little about my experiences so far. Well, I was lucky enough to get all 4 classes I wanted! I got a little help from my previous teacher's who put in a good word for me, and I was nice enough for the new instructor's to add me. So the classes I'm taking this semester is; Acting, Voice and Movement for actors, Theatrical Make-up, Theatre and cultural diversity. And I'm gonna have to add one more, since I found out today that I only have 10 units, and I need 12 in order to maintain my visa status. Typical. So I'm gonna try and add a class called Production and Performance, where you learn how things work behind the curtains and so on. It's however on Monday evenings from 7 to 9.45 but I have to take another 2 unit class or they'll do something bad with my visa. But it's ok, it's more theatre for me and I can learn even more and I couldn't be happier! I really feel that I'm living now. I know it must sound strange, but I haven't felt this good in a very long time, and let me tell you it's an amazing feeling! =) You should try it if you're not there already! I think it has to do with my passion for acting, and that I'm now doing, learning and practising it on a daily basis. Before in Sweden and also not as much last semester I didn't do that. Which made me feel more empty and so. It's a strange feeling I really can't explain, but I just love reading and studying acting. And especially here and in English, it's a challenge at times but it's fun as hell!
And the house we're staying in is awesome! We share a room me and Charlie, but it works perfectly fine! We get along so well and we have such a good time together and we both feel really calm, safe and "home" here in the house. We cook food almost every night and we can relax in front of the big screen TV with the hundreds of channels. We go to L.A almost every weekend, Charlie takes dance classes and I tag along to watch and just meet and observe new interesting ppl. (Good for my acting class!)
But! Tomorrow I have 2 auditions! Yes, one at school for a one act play that the graduate directing class is doing. A lot of ppl have signed up on the list, but I'm gonna do my best, that's all I can do I guess. And then I have another audition in L.A for a studio, where if they "approve" of me I get to go to workshops and act with other actors and there's also casting directors from time to time that's there watching. So that's gonna be exciting! Oh, that reminds me. I have to fix my resume and Headshot. Hopefully I have time to do that today. Oh well, wish me luck!
Now I'm gonna go and see if I can find a new dress for the party on Saturday! =) I have to give myself a little present to! =) right?
I'll try to update soon and let you know all that's needed to know about what's going on over here!
Take care friends!
//Frieda K*